
JPMorganChase is committed to maintaining a safe, productive, diverse, inclusive, professional, collegial and secure work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Discrimination, harassment or inappropriate conduct is not tolerated by or against employees, customers, vendors, contractors or any other individuals who conduct business with JPMorganChase.

No form of discrimination, harassment, inappropriate or abusive conduct is tolerated by or against employees, customers, vendors, contractors or any other individuals who conduct business with JPMorganChase.

All employees, including managers and employees in non-managerial positions, are required to promote equal opportunity and prevent discrimination, harassment and inappropriate and abusive conduct. They are also expected to help create and maintain an atmosphere where concerns under this policy can be raised without fear of retaliation or intimidation.

This policy applies to conduct at JPMorganChase offices, work locations and while engaged in work-related activities outside the workplace, such as business-related trips, social events and communications.

In addition, reasonable accommodations are made for applicants’ and employees’ religious practices and beliefs, mental and physical disabilities, and for pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions, including lactation, in accordance with applicable local law.

Prohibited Harassment

Harassment is any unwelcome conduct (verbal, nonverbal or physical) that has the purpose or effect of violating a person’s dignity, creating a hostile or offensive environment, or can reasonably be expected to cause an individual to feel uncomfortable, intimidated, threatened, bullied, humiliated, offended, denigrated or distressed.

Also prohibited are unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or nonverbal behavior or physical contact of a sexual nature (regardless of how the overture is communicated).

It is important to understand that:

  •  Inappropriate conduct may involve individuals of the same or opposite sex and is prohibited regardless of sex, gender identity or whether the individual submits to it or rejects it.
  •  Harassment and/or inappropriate conduct are often defined by the impact to the recipient rather than by the intent of the person causing the offense.

Inappropriate behavior will not, therefore, be excused or justified by claiming that it was unintentional or humorous or because it occurred under the influence of alcohol or other substances.


Employees who are aware of possible violations of this policy must immediately contact their Manager, Human Resources representative or report the incident via JPMorganChase’s Code Reporting Hotline. The Hotline is operated by an external company, staffed 24/7 and callers have the ability to identify themselves or report anonymously (where permissible by law).  It can be reached by phone or via internet, mail or fax, and translation services are available on request.  Managers who become aware of potential violations of this policy must immediately report the information to Human Resources.

Reporting obligations to the company do not prevent employees from reporting to the government or regulators conduct that they believe to be in violation of the law.

JPMorganChase is committed to promptly and effectively reviewing all potential violations and taking action to address as appropriate.

Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible consistent with JPMorganChase conducting a thorough inquiry or investigation and responding where appropriate. 


JPMorganChase prohibits intimidation of or retaliation against an individual because he/she objected to behavior prohibited by this policy, reported a concern under this policy in good faith, or assisted with any inquiry or investigation under this policy.


The Firm’s How We Do Business Principles serve as a guide for how employees are expected to conduct themselves, and the Firm’s Code of Conduct sets forth the Firm’s expectations for each employee.

Senior Leadership is responsible for setting the “tone at the top” consistent with our Business Principles.  The Board of Directors provides oversight of the business and affairs of the Firm, including its culture and conduct. Each of the Board committees oversees reputational risks and conduct risks within its scope of responsibility. The Compensation and Management Development Committee (“CMDC”) oversees the Firm’s Business Principles, culture and significant employee conduct issues and any related actions. The Audit Committee receives regular reports from management on the Code of Conduct program.  Each member of the board annually affirms his or her compliance with the Code of Conduct.  

Workplace Training

Frequent training and awareness programs for employees are designed to promote a workplace free of discrimination and harassment. All employees are required to annually complete Code of Conduct training and affirm compliance.  The training includes harassment-free workplace and anti-sexual harassment scenarios and questions. In addition, JPMC offers a “Culture of Respect” firmwide intranet site, including information and resources on maintaining a respectful workplace and a manager anti-harassment toolkit, with guidelines on reinforcing the Firm’s culture of respect.