Ja’Shar also worked with Development Asset Manager Josh White, who became his mentor and taught him how to develop financial projections, run a building and determine how much debt a building can withstand. Josh encouraged him to apply for a full-time role. “I wanted to get him into the ecosystem so he could learn faster,” said Josh, who recognized Ja’Shar’s entrepreneurial spirit, a trait he says Cinnaire seeks in its employees.
Ja’Shar was hired to Cinnaire’s asset management team, turning his three-month fellowship into a full-time Financial Analyst position.
“A lot of my journey was recreating myself to acquire the right skills and positioning to be able to enter into this profession,” Ja’Shar explained. “To have this opportunity come to fruition was an amazing feeling.”
Ja’Shar continues to break barriers in commercial real estate, with a clear purpose: “For me, it's never been just about empowering my family,” he said. “It’s also about how we can lift up everybody that we touch, somehow, in addition to the communities we are actively invested in.”
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