JPMorganChase Gold Supplier status is the firm's top designation for preferred suppliers. Suppliers may achieve Gold status by distinguishing themselves through excellent performance, integrity, and partnership with JPMorganChase to serve the needs of our clients, shareholders, communities in which we operate, and employees.

The Gold Supplier Program is a community encompassing many of our most important supply chain partners large and small, public and private, diverse-owned businesses, and product categories of all types. The program is designed to create greater strategic alignment and value by helping suppliers understand how to become more successful with JPMorganChase, and helping the firm to become the preferred customer in its supply market.

Gold Suppliers are prioritized and recognized within JPMorganChase. Gold Suppliers may receive:

  • Facilitated opportunities for growth and category expansion, as appropriate;
  • Enhanced insight to JPMorganChase’s strategic agenda;
  • Dedicated communication and feedback channels, and dedicated point of contact;
  • Simplified contracting, onboarding, and third party oversight processes;
  • Focus on reducing the administrative cost of doing business with JPMorganChase;
  • Faster invoice payment; or
  • Special invitation to Gold Supplier events and networking.
Doug Roginson

The Gold Supplier Program embodies a set of operating principles that help deliver value to our Firm and our most important supply chain partners. Through this program we strengthen the working relationship with our supply chain community, while improving a supplier’s level of success at JPMorganChase.

Doug Roginson

Head of Supplier Relationship Management, JPMorganChase

Becoming a Gold Supplier is a milestone accomplishment in your relationship with JPMorganChase. The program is by invitation—you must be nominated by your Category Sourcing and Line of Business partner. Exemplary performance and partnership are critical to being nominated. Gold Suppliers also agree to a series of program requirements and ongoing compliance. For more information, please click here.